BOO Special Edition – Harriet’s Load

BOO Special Edition – Harriet’s Load

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe all have an limiting identity, the story of who we think we have to be.  We usually do not see our own choices unless we have the courage to reflect.  Harriet’s Load is a story I wrote years ago...
BOO429 – Accessing Our Full Potential

BOO429 – Accessing Our Full Potential

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe have lots of potential that we do not allow ourselves to access. It’s courageous work to reflect on our limited sense of identity and to open up to what else is possible.  And we each have the capacity...
BOO428 – Encore – Being Unkind to Myself

BOO428 – Encore – Being Unkind to Myself

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHow often are we hard on ourselves?  How often do we deny our feelings or push through?  What do we do when we REALLY see that we are being unkind?  In this episode, we explore what to do when we...
BOO427 – Encore – Ladders Out of Mindtraps

BOO427 – Encore – Ladders Out of Mindtraps

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSOur hard wiring response to change is exactly the wrong thing we need to thrive in turbulence, uncertainty and complexity.  In Jennifer Garvey Berger’s practical new book, Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps, she...
BOO426 – Encore – Mindtrap of Ego

BOO426 – Encore – Mindtrap of Ego

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSOur hard wiring response to change is exactly the wrong thing we need to thrive in turbulence, uncertainty and complexity.  In Jennifer Garvey Berger’s practical new book, Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps, she...