BOO405 – Your Are NOT Your Personality

BOO405 – Your Are NOT Your Personality

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe have so much more capacity than we know.  One key is to understand we are not our personality.  In this episode, Roxanne Howe-Murphy talks about what is our personality. Resources Underneath Your...
BOO386 – Exploring a Transformative Lens

BOO386 – Exploring a Transformative Lens

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSAfter going through many personality instruments, I did not think the enneagram would offer me anything new.  I was wrong.  Using this ancient and powerful lens began the process of freeing me from...

BOO315 – Encore – Ladders Out of Mindtraps

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSOur hard wiring response to change is exactly the wrong thing we need to thrive in turbulence, uncertainty and complexity.  In Jennifer Garvey Berger’s practical new book, Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps,...

BOO314 – Encore – The Mindtrap of Ego

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSOur hard wiring response to change is exactly the wrong thing we need to thrive in turbulence, uncertainty and complexity.  In Jennifer Garvey Berger’s practical new book, Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps,...

BOO184 – The Ladder Out of Mindtraps

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSOur hard wiring response to change is exactly the wrong thing we need to thrive in turbulence, uncertainty and complexity.  In Jennifer Garvey Berger’s practical new book, Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps,...